Thursday, January 24, 2019

Gaming is for Everyone!

Please remember gaming is for everyone. Everyone online needs respect. Even though we have our differences respect is still needed. Respect is needed for conversations over voice chat with people we do not know personally. Make gaming a positive experience for everyone!

JPSHRACER Code of Conduct: (It also applies to this blog)

No excessive swearing in online. Especially around kids.*

Do not discriminate based on age, ethnicity, race, origin, sexual orientation or any other form of discrimination. 

Do not make racist, sexist or other kinds of jokes.

No harassment of any kind. Including toward female gamers. This will not be tolerated! It is simply unacceptable behavior even if it is not illegal. Then male gamers of all kinds are reverse discriminated for this toxic behavior. That means male gamers get a bad reputation.

No sexually explicit content. Also, including toward female gamers. This will not be tolerated! It is simply unacceptable behavior even if it is not illegal. Then male gamers of all kinds are reverse discriminated for this toxic behavior. That means male gamers get a bad reputation.

*There is no swearing allowed in the comments of this blog. Your comment will be deleted. I do not tolerate swearing language or any attempts to bypass filtering.


This post or another post may have updated rules of conduct. You agree to follow them for this blog. Also apply them to your online gaming experience. It will make your online gaming a more welcoming place for everyone. Thank you in advance for your support making gaming for everyone!

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